ReSPA Mobility Scheme: A team from the Ministry of Public Administration of Montenegro engaged and exchanged with their colleagues from the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)
12–13 December 2023, Maastricht, Netherlands
The "Mobility Scheme," a direct support initiative by ReSPA, facilitated Montenegro's Ministry of Public Administration officials to enhance their knowledge of EU-related affairs and quality management through active participation and exchange with the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA). During a two-day visit, the participants accessed EIPA's extensive expertise in promoting effective governance and public administration, aligning perfectly with the broader regional cooperation framework.
Supported by EIPA, ReSPA aimed to connect the Ministry team with excellence and tap into the expertise required to expedite Montenegro's path toward EU integration. This strategic partnership seeks to assist in implementing reform agendas and establishes a strong foundation for sustainable growth and development within Montenegro's public administration sector.
With the strong backing of Marco ONGARO, Director of EIPA, Martijn PLUIM, Programme Director, and notable experts from EIPA and SIGMA, public servants from Montenegro actively participated in discussions and shared insights with their colleagues:
Wolfgang KOETH, Senior Lecturer at EIPA, introduced the EU governance and policy-making;
Marco LOPRIORE, Expert and Project Manager at EIPA shared insights from EIPA on capacity building for good management of European funds;
Gracia VARA, Head of the European CAF Resource Centre at EIPA, elaborated on quality governance and the European CAF Resource Centre;
Tihana PUZIĆ, Deputy Head of the CAF Resource Centre at EIPA, and Marija HAJDUKOVIĆ, Director General, Ministry of Public Administration of Montenegro, presented the Quality Management Roadmap of Montenegro,
Nick THIJS gave a reflection on the Principles of Public Administration, focusing on Service Delivery and Digital Government;
Juan DIEGO RAMÍREZ-CÁRDENAS shared the latest updates on the notion of EU administration and the main requirements of EU administrative law;
Christoph KLIKA presented Best practices in public administration.
ReSPA Programme Coordinator Genti XHAXHIU discussed the power of cooperation between ReSPA and EIPA in boosting the PAR advancement and EU integration process and the latest on the ComPAct initiative.