ReSPA Mobility Scheme: Montenegro's HRMA Gains Insights through Exchange with Counterparts from Bosnia and Herzegovina
27-28 February 2024, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fostering collaboration between civil servants from the region, this ReSPA's "Mobility Scheme" facilitated an exchange between Montenegro's Human Resources Management Authority (HRMA) and their counterparts from Bosnia and Herzegovina: from Civil Service Agency of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina, Civil Service Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Civil Service Agency of Republika Srpska. The Civil Service Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina hosted the meeting.
During the exchange, HRMA officials delved into the intricacies of training management systems. Colleagues from the CSA Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the CSA of Bosnia and Herzegovina provided valuable insights, covering the selection process of trainers, the TMS system and its integration with HRMIS-CSA of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and online training through iLearn. CSA representatives from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina also presented the Online application (e-konkurs). The discussions extended to the significance of HRM Strategy, elucidating the role of CSAFBIH in implementing HR policy and the authorities' pivotal role in this process.
The significance of ReSPA's support for the Administration was underscored during the visit, focusing on exchanging best practices and experiences to enhance work processes.
Key Takeaways from this exchange: to organise another regional event, either online or in-person, potentially expanding participant involvement to gather additional knowledge and conceptual solutions; insights from the mobility scheme have sparked new ideas for both parties, particularly in areas such as professional development, utilisation of digital tools, e-competition, and employment strategies.
Concluding the visit, representatives from HRMA also had the opportunity to visit the Ministry of Justice and Administration of Sarajevo Canton, receiving a warm welcome from Minister Darja Softić- Kadenić.
ReSPA remains committed to fostering networking, and exchanging best practices and experiences between PA teams and institutions. Recognising the value of shared experiences, the initiative aims to improve communication, information sharing, and problem-solving skills. This collaborative effort extends beyond individual challenges, encompassing joint projects and initiatives that benefit all participating organisations.