Seasonal School on Digital Transformation 2024: Towards Innovative Governance for the Future

12 July 2024 News

9-11 July 2024, Budva, Montenegro

An established cornerstone of ReSPA’s annual calendar, this year’s Seasonal School addressed pivotal advancements, trends, and emerging themes within Open Data, Human-Centered Design (HCD), Agile Management, and Artificial Intelligence.

The program, blending lectures, workshops, group activities, and expert panels, convened 30 senior public officials to explore innovative methodologies and insights to leveraging open data to foster knowledge-based driven economies, how to apply and use the Rapid Innovation Lab model in designing user-centric services and evolving role of AI and different aspects of using AI in public administration.


DAY 1: Open Data and the Regional Open Data Challenge 2024 Ceremony

The day commenced with Aleš VERŠIČ providing a comprehensive exploration of Open Data, from its definitions to current trends, emphasizing its transformative potential, Open Data portals, and data ecosystems.

The Regional Open Data Challenge 2024 ceremony, a collaborative effort between ReSPA and the UNDP Office in Serbia, recognized outstanding innovations in utilizing open data to benefit citizens and businesses across the Western Balkans and awarded the winners in the categories “Solution” and “Idea”, showcasing their innovative approaches to using open data for the benefit of citizens and business in the Western Balkans economies.

Find more about the Winners of the RODC2024

DAY 2: Rapid Innovation Lab and Agile Management in Human-Centered Design of Services

Led by Goran PAŠTROVIĆ and Tamara SRZENTIĆ, day two focused on practical applications of the Rapid Innovation Lab approach and Agile Management in designing user-centric e-services. Through interactive sessions, participants were equipped with tools and methodologies to drive innovation in service development, from problem understanding and research synthesis to agile project management and ideation.

DAY 3: Artificial Intelligence Applications in Public Administration

Colin VAN NOORDT discussed the latest AI initiatives in public administration, highlighting policy developments in the EU and innovative models for AI integration. Slobodan MARKOVIĆ of UNDP Serbia shared insights into Serbia’s AI ecosystem development.

The day concluded with the AI Mini Fair, moderated by Slobodan MARKOVIĆ and reflected by Goran PAŠTROVIĆ and Colin VAN NOORDT on the implementation of AI across the Western Balkans public administrations:

Enio KASO,  AI Director at the National Agency of Information Society, showcased Albania's AI initiatives, including the development of the eGov portal chat assistant and collaborations with tech giants,

Lejla GURBETA POKVIĆ, Director of Verlab Institute from Bosnia and Herzegovina, provided insights on her institute's role in supporting public sector technology adoption and AI applications in healthcare,

Nikola BULATOVIĆ from the Artificial Intelligence Association presented the Montenegrin AI Association's efforts, the state of the AI industry in Montenegro, and key government AI projects focusing on privacy and security,

Nikola TRAJKOV, ML Engineering Team Lead at Things Solver from North Macedonia, described the first large language model developed in North Macedonia and

Veljko PRODANOVIĆ, Research Associate Professor Institute for AI in Serbia, described the National AI Institute’s role and its key activities.


Olivera DAMJANOVIĆ, ReSPA Programme Manager, summarized the event, stating, "This year's Seasonal School seamlessly connected the themes of open data, innovative service development, and AI in public administration, emphasizing the responsible and knowledgeable use of data. Participants were highly engaged with the latest concepts on data spaces and AI, and their feedback confirmed that human-centred design remains a priority for public officials dedicated to enhancing service quality to meet user needs. Hosting the Regional Open Data Challenge award ceremony, in collaboration with UNDP Serbia, underscored the vital message for Western Balkan public administrations: Opening and making data accessible is crucial for improving citizens' quality of life and crafting better public policies and programs."



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