Have Your Say: Help Refine ReSPA's 2025-2030 Strategic Orientation
We are excited to launch the consultation on the draft Strategic Orientation of ReSPA 2025-2030.
This draft outlines our vision and priorities for guiding the development of the public administration sector across the Western Balkans in the years to come.
Explore the ReSPA's 2025-2020 Strategic Orientation HERE
Your feedback is crucial in shaping a realistic, forward-thinking strategy that addresses the challenges we face and helps elevate public administration in the region to European excellence. We invite all practitioners, partners, and the public to share their insights and suggestions to refine this important document.
Please share your input with us at respa-info@respaweb.eu by the 3rd of October 2024.
Few guiding and indicative questions for Practitioners and the Public:
- Do you think the vision, strategic priorities and proposed thematic areas in the draft Strategic Orientation of ReSPA 2025-2030 address the key challenges currently facing public administration in the Western Balkans?
- What additional areas or issues should be prioritized by ReSPA to improve public administration performance in the region and that should be included in the strategy?
- How can regional cooperation be enhanced to address greater efficiency, transparency, and accountability of the public administration?
- What specific activities or initiatives would you recommend ReSPA to undertake regionally in order to achieve the vision of a Western Balkan public sector known for European excellence, while also supporting the alignment of national administrations with EU accession processes?
- Do you have any other comments or suggestions that could help refine and improve the draft strategy?