Joint meeting of the ReSPA's Governing Board and Budget Committee: Advancing Regional Cooperation
10 December 2024
ReSPA convened its 63rd Governing Board at the Senior Official Level and 47th Budget Committee Meeting, bringing together senior representatives to discuss governance, budgetary, and operational priorities for advancing public administration in the Western Balkans.
A key highlight of the meeting was the endorsement of the ReSPA Programme of Work for 2025, an ambitious plan comprising over 50 regional activities and initiatives. This Programme aims to support human resource development, facilitate knowledge-sharing, and promote structured exchanges with EU Member States, ensuring that administrations in the region are equipped to meet European governance standards. The Programme also aligns with ReSPA’s 2025–2030 Strategic Orientation, marking a crucial step forward in achieving ReSPA's long-term goals.
The Governing Board and Budget Committee also praised ReSPA’s achievements in 2024, approving the progress report submitted by the Secretariat. Updates were provided on two new projects to be implemented in 2025, one funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the other by Horizon Europe. These projects aim to enhance the capacities of public servants across the region, further contributing to administrative excellence.
Financial matters also took centre stage, with the approval of the Core Budget Implementation Report for 2024 and the decision to reallocate unutilized funds to support strategic initiatives in 2025. Progress in national contributions was recognized, and the reappointment as the independent auditor for ReSPA’s 2024 financial statements was enabled. Discussions also covered operational improvements, including updates to Staff Policies, recruitment processes, and salary scales, reflecting a commitment to internal institutional development.
These deliberations and initiatives underscore ReSPA’s unwavering dedication to fostering more efficient, inclusive public administrations and advancing regional cooperation for a sustainable future.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and ICJ opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.