synergy conference

ReSPA Empowers Regional Collaboration at the "Synergy Among Local Governments" Conference

07 March 2025 News

5-7 March 2025, Tirana, Albania

ReSPA contributed to the "Synergy Among Local Governments in Regional Cooperation" conference, hosted by the Western Balkans Fund (WBF) in collaboration with the Embassy of Japan in Albania and NALAS. The event brought together ministers, diplomatic core, mayors, public administration officials, civil society leaders and international experts to discuss: strengthening inter-municipal collaboration across the region; advancing EU integration through local governance reforms; supporting public-private partnerships for sustainable urban development, and engaging civil society in good governance initiatives

Director Handjiska-Trendafilova at the panel "Regional Cooperation and Sustainable Local Development" joined mayors from various cities, the Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation to Tirana Hubert Perr, the head of NALAS Kelmend Zajazi, and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) representatives to explore strategies for enhancing governance reforms and regional cooperation, leveraging EU funding, and integrating best practices. She highlighted ReSPA’s initiatives relevant for local governments, including work on quality management, the Western Balkans Public Administration Award, the online Knowledge Management Platform, capacity building on pre-accession and structural funds, etc. “Regional cooperation is beyond just a nicety —it's a necessity for the Western Balkans. Our cities are the engines of economic and social development, and by leveraging shared challenges and opportunities, we can adopt EU practices proactively, strengthen economic ties, and invest in our human capital to drive sustainable progress,” underscored Director Handjiska-Trendfilova, also stressing the necessity to continue strengthening the capacities of local government units in terms of human capital and leveraging on the regional approach.

Programe Coordinator Genti Xhaxhiu moderated the high-level panel “Local Government Reform in the Context of EU Integration processes” discussing with ministers Adea Pirdeni, Marash Dukaj, Goran Minchev and Elbert Krasniqi, Darko Kasap and Jovan Knežević about the crucial role of the cooperation among governments and municipalities in driving regional cooperation and achieving sustainable local development.

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Albania, Igli Hasani and of the Czech Republic, Jan Lipavsk,ý also briefly addressed the conference, emphasizing the relevance of regional cooperation and exchange of practices.

Additional panels explored critical themes such as "Fostering Regional Cooperation and Good Governance in Partnership with Civil Society," which highlighted the role of civil society organizations in governance enhancement, and "Financing Strategies for Sustainable Growth in Western Balkans Cities," where experts discussed financing mechanisms like public-private partnerships and donor-funded initiatives.

The event reaffirmed the pivotal role of local governments in fostering regional cooperation, economic development, and governance reforms. ReSPA remains steadfast in its commitment to bolstering inter-municipal collaboration, advancing EU integration, and ensuring effective, citizen-centric public administration across the Western Balkans. The conference concluded with a shared commitment to fostering dialogue and nurturing a more interconnected, inclusive, and resilient regional future.

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