Two Activities simultaneously organized by ReSPA from 27-29 May 2014
ReSPA is organizing two events simultaneously from 27-29 May 2014.
One of the events is the workshop “Developing HR Strategies in Public Administration Institutions – Recruitment and Retention Strategies and Workforce Plans”. This event takes place in ReSPA Campus, Danilovgrad, Montenegro
This Workshop provides a practical introduction to the process of HR Strategy development with a particular focus on the development of Recruitment and Retention Strategies and Policies and Workforce Plans for Public Administration Institutions.
Participants will gain the skills, theory and specialist knowledge needed to implement effective HR Strategies and develop Recruitment and Retention Strategies and Policies and Workforce Plans for their organisations. Upon the completion of the 3 day workshop participants are expected to engage in action research projects and share their conclusions with participants at the future workshop to be held in ReSPA in October 2014.
· The programme utilizes experience and good practices with regard to already applied mechanisms and tools will be considered a valuable asset.
· ReSPA will make use and reflect on EU Country progress reports and Sigma assessment reports and priorities, in order to ensure the requirements are addressed.
· The activities aim to reflect national needs (identified in the strategies), but also, will encourage regional initiatives that will respond to national needs in domain of HRM. Consequently the programme will build on the priorities emerging from the participant group as they work together on common issues and challenges in the action research element of the programme.
The target audiences of the CoP on the HRM issues are heads of Human Resource departments and respective officers/associates, experts and policy developers on HR issues.
This workshop is being conducted by ReSPA in collaboration with IPA Ireland.
The second event is the Meeting of the EU Integration Network. This event takes place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The theme of this meeting is “Internal EU Integration Functionality and External Dialogue with the EU”.
The network event allows the participants to exchange their experience, discuss common challenging issues in the domain of EU integration process and strengthen mutual networking between the participants.
The first day of the networking event is devoted to the two main blocks of internal EU integration co-ordination functionality. In the first block, senior level officials are discussing core institutional and functional issues of EU integration co-ordination in the central co-ordination bodies (e.g. challenges for organization of co-ordination on national level and the institutional set-up, EU Integration policy coordination aspects on the senior level, policy making challenges and Inter-institutional cooperation).
The second block would focus on reviewing the critical issues and lessons learnt in the implementation if IPA I (2007-2013) in the Western Balkan thus far, as well as outlining potential major administrative/institutional challenges which lie ahead for those countries with respect to the implementation of the IPA II Regulation (2014-2020).
The event has four main objectives:
· To review and discuss core issues on EU integration internal co-ordination functionality (institutional and functional organization of the national EUI structure), the main issues related to the implementation of IPA in the Western Balkans thus far, as well as potential major challenges with respect to the implementation of the IPA II Regulation, which came into force on 1 January, 2014
· To review and discuss core issues relevant to negotiations and dialogue with the EU.
· To share ideas and considerations on proposed regional comparative study on the current trends of PAR in the Western Balkan region with respect to the impact of the EU integration process (issues of the EU integration institutional set-up and functionality).
· To discuss establishment of the ReSPA EUI Programming Board (composed of the senior managers – Heads/Deputy Heads of the central EU integration national institutions and/or NIPACs/Senior officials from NIPAC office) with the purpose to advise ReSPA and propose / identify the main priority areas where ReSPA can provide support in the domain of EU integration.
Participants are Senior Managers of Central EU integration coordination institutions and NIPAC offices.