6 ministers from the Western Balkans and EU senior officials will share EU integration experiences at the Governing Board Ministerial Level Meeting in Skopje
Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) on October 31 at the Holiday Inn Skopje - will organize a conference that will bring together Ministers from the six countries of the Western Balkans.
The purpose of this meeting is to assess the results and the progress of the Western Balkan countries in the implementation of public administration reform, and exchange experiences in the process of EU integration.
It is the fifth annual meeting of ministerial levelorganized by ReSPA and attended by Ministers responsible for Public Administration Reform and European integration processes. The host of this year's meeting is Macedonia and the Minister of Information Society and Public Administration, Mr. Ivo Ivanovski, who will hand over the chairmanship of ReSPA in 2015 to Montenegro.
ReSPA will brief ministers on the current progress (in public administration reform and European integration processes) and will present the guidelines and recommendations for the future. Given the common goal of EU integration, the meeting will be an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences and improve cooperation between the countries of the Western Balkans, for which these two processes are priorities on the EU path.