Effective Policy Making: How to Ensure Desired Changes through Successful Implementation of Policies -7th Annual Conference proceeding publication
ReSPA’s 7th Annual Conference proceeding publication “Effective Policy Making: How to Ensure Desired Changes through Successful Implementation of Policies” takes a deep look at policy implementation in the overall ‘policy cycle’ as a general, overarching concept. It explores the challenge of successful policy implementation in the context of the Western Balkans and identifies good practices in the region itself as well as in the new and old member states of the European Union as sources of inspiration for the Western Balkans.
The fact and figures presented demonstrate also the increased visibility and reputation of ReSPA in its capacity as a Centre for Regional Policy Dialogue. As a genuine regional institution, ReSPA has followed the situation and trends in the public governance of the countries in the region and the new developments in Europe. It has adjusted its activities to meet the needs of its beneficiaries.
The identification of good practices in this and other areas of administrative affairs, will help facilitate the identification and recognition of the standards of performance of public institutions in the region.
To download the full publication, please follow the link below: