First Module of External CAF Feedback Expert (EFACs) Training: New Cycle of Raising Regional Expertise in External Evaluation of CAF
6-7 September 2023, online
The Regional Quality Management Centre (RQMC) of ReSPA has dynamised the implementation of the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) across the Western Balkans public administration institutions over the last two years. Counting on building regional expertise in implementing CAF and PEF processes, with the support of the CAF Centre of KDZ, RQMC of ReSPA has started with the two-module Training for External CAF Evaluators (EFACs).
The First Module of EFACs Training gathered virtually 11 CAF pool of experts from ReSPA Members and deepened their understanding of the CAF maturity levels.
Guided by Olivera Damjanovic, Slaven Bukarica, Igor Markovski, Philip Parzer, and Isabelle Verschueren, participants deep-dived on all necessary instruments and techniques for preparing and delivering a Professional External CAF Feedback Procedure which is the essential step in further CAF implementation and continuous improvement of quality management in the public institutions of the region.
“By expanding the number of public institutions that roll out the Common Assessment Framework (CAF), we are also dedicated to enhancing regional proficiency in conducting Performance Evaluation Framework (PEF) procedures. This is particularly vital for institutions that have already embraced CAF and aspire to attain the "Effective CAF User" designation. We remain committed to wide-spreading CAF while rewarding institutions that successfully implement PEF procedures with the prestigious "Effective CAF User" Label.
Austrian KDZ and ADA, within the BACID III programme, have recognised ReSPA’s efforts and achieved results over the last two years, and our collaboration in CAF implementation continues. With empowered civil servants from the region and such strong partners, ReSPA RQMC is continuously growing to benefit public institutions and our citizens because excellence in the public sector leads to better public services,” underscored Olivera Damjanović, ReSPA Programme Manager.