New CAF Implementation in the Western Balkans: Ministry of Public Administration of Montenegro
19 July 2023, Danilovgrad, Montenegro
Today, ReSPA hosted a team of 17 officials from the Ministry of Public Administration of Montenegro, selected as the CAF Self-Assessment Group, and started rolling out the CAF in the Ministry.
Never-closer, and among many familiar faces, in an excellent working atmosphere, Regional Quality Management Centre team and CAF Expert Igor Markovski brought the CAF Self-Assessment Group of the Ministry closer to the CAF model, elaborating its essence, principles and process.
They delved deeper into the CAF Questionnaire, its criteria and subcriteria, practising it through group work. Also, they introduced participants to the importance of the CAF External Feedback (PEF Procedure) as a prerequisite to getting an "Effective CAF User" Lable.
Common Assessment Framework (CAF), as an EU quality management tool tailored to the needs of the public administration institutions, will help this devoted CAF Self-Assesment Team of the Ministry build capacities and improve overall institutional performances, positively reflecting better public services for the citizens of Montenegro.
Following CAF Workshops will be held in upcoming months.
As an "Effective CAF-USER" and QM focal point of expertise in the region, ReSPA within RQMC is working on increasing the institutionalisation of CAF within public institutions. ReSPA aims to upgrade administrations' quality management as a prerequisite for better work performance and better public services for our citizens.